Want to discover how to invest in Real Estate inside your IRA? Want to learn how to flip houses or skyrocket your portfolio as a private lender — tax free?
If you’re interested in breaking free of the regular (and volatile) stock and bond heavy portfolio determining the future of your retirement funds, then you’re in luck. My colleague Dan Falardeau of New Direction IRA (formerly Entrust) is holding TWO FREE WORKSHOPS next Saturday 10/27/12 at The Bishop Museum. The first workshop is at 10am, the second at 12pm noon, each lasting roughly 90 minutes with time for Q&A after. Free pupus provided 🙂
Dan has also graciously asked me to co-host this event with him. Dan will be doing the majority of the presentation on all aspects of Self-Directed IRAs and then I’ll present for a bit on specific real estate questions and opportunities.
So if you’re interested in taking charge of your financial future and taking advantage of all the IRS freedoms available to you (that they don’t want you to know about), then register for one of our two FREE workshops on Saturday, October 27th and the Bishop!